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John Hoddinott is the H.E. Babcock Professor of Food and Nutrition Economics and Policy, Cornell University. Before coming to Cornell in 2015, he was a Deputy Division Director at the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of poverty, hunger and undernutrition in developing countries. He has been heavily involved in primary data collection through living in a mud hut in western Kenya and a small town near Timbuktu Mali in addition to his work in Bangladesh, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mali, Namibia, Niger and Zimbabwe.
John has ongoing research work in three countries - Bangladesh, Guatemala and India - focusing on on agriculture, social protection, food security and nutrition. These are a mix of prospective cohort and randomized control trials. The Guatemala study is a follow up to a randomized community nutrition intervention that was fielded in the early 1970s.
Research interests
I am interested in the causes of poverty, food insecurity and undernutrition, and the design and evaluation of interventions that would reduce these. I have also undertaken work on poverty dynamics, intrahousehold resource allocation, schooling, labour markets, aid allocation and on improving survey methods.
My current research interests focus on the links between economics (especially social protection, agriculture, and gender), food security, and human capital formation with a focus on early life nutrition. I have led or participated in the evaluations of some of the largest social protection programs in low- and middle-income countries, including the Vulnerable Group Development scheme in Bangladesh, Brazil’s Bolsa Familia cash transfer program, Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme, PROGRESA in Mexico and South Africa’s Child Support Grant. Throughout my career, I have been heavily involved in primary data collection through living in a mud hut in western Kenya and a small town near Timbucktu Mali as well as developing longitudinal and cross-sectional household and community surveys in Bangladesh, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mali, Namibia, Niger, and Zimbabwe. I have given more than 200 formal presentations of this work, as well as informal presentations to audiences including cabinet ministers, Canadian parliamentarians, members of the United States House of Representatives, senior officials in various governments, donor and UN agencies, and village leaders in various African countries. My work has been cited in media outlets including the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Economist, Newsweek, the New York Times, Slate, the Times of India, Vox, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.
John is interested in the causes of poverty, food insecurity and undernutrition, and the design and evaluation of interventions that would reduce these. He has also undertaken work on poverty dynamics, intrahousehold resource allocation, schooling, labour markets aid allocation and on improving survey methods.
John's current research interests focus on the links between economics (especially social protection, agriculture and gender), food security and early life nutrition. He has ongoing collaborative projects in Bangladesh, India, and Guatemala.
John teaches a joint undergraduate/graduate course on the economics of food and malnutrition. This course is designed to bridge economics and nutrition and mixes lectures, class discussions, writing assignments and engagement with data.
NS 4480/6480: Economics of food and malnutrition
AEM 4485/6485: Economics of food and malnutrition
AEM/ECON 7650: Development microeconomics graduate research seminar
NS 1400: Introduction to Human Biology, Health and Society
Books and monographs
[B8] M. Adato and J. Hoddinott (eds), 2010 Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[B7] A. Ahmed, A. Quisumbing, M. Nasreen, J. Hoddinott, and E. Bryan. 2010. Comparing Food and Cash Transfers to the Ultra-Poor in Bangladesh, IFPRI Research Monograph 163, (Washington: International Food Policy Research Institute).
[B6] M. Adato, L. Haddad and J. Hoddinott, 2005, Power, Politics and Performance: Community Participation in South African Public Works Programs, IFPRI Research Report 143, (Washington: International Food Policy Research Institute).
[B5] D. Coady, M. Grosh and J. Hoddinott, 2004. The Targeting of Transfers in Developing Countries: Review of Experience and Lessons, (Washington: World Bank and IFPRI). Simultaneously published in Spanish and Russian. Arabic and Indonesian translations, 2005.
[B4] J. Hoddinott (ed.), 2001. Food Security in Practice: Methods for Rural Development Projects, (Washington: International Food Policy Research Institute). Spanish translation, 2003.
[B3] B. Baulch and J. Hoddinott (eds.), 2000. Economic Mobility and Poverty Dynamics in Developing Countries, (London: Frank Cass).
[B2] L. Haddad, J. Hoddinott and H. Alderman (eds.), 1997. Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Developing Countries: Models, Methods and Policy, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[B1] S. Devereux and J. Hoddinott (eds), 1992. Fieldwork in Developing Countries, (Harvester Wheatsheaf, UK and Lynne Reinner, USA).
Refereed journal articles
[J137] S. Roy, M. Hidrobo, J. Hoddinott, B. Koch, and A. Ahmed, forthcoming. Can transfers and behavior change communication reduce intimate partner violence four years post-program? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh, Journal of Human Resources, 59(6).
[J136] L. Larson, T. Thomas, A. Kurpad, R. Martorell, J. Hoddinott, S. Swaminathan, and L. Neufeld. Forthcoming. Anemia in women and children in Uttar Pradesh, India: a path analysis of the associations between nutritional, environmental, infectious, genetic, and underlying social determinants, Public Health Nutrition.
[J135] D. Headey, H. Alderman, J. Hoddinott, and S. Narayanan, forthcoming. The glass of milk half-empty? Dairy development and nutrition in low and middle income countries, Food Policy.
[J134] S. Lee, C. Barrett, and J. Hoddinott. Food security dynamics in the United States, 2001-2017, forthcoming, American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
[J133] A. Ahmed, F. Coleman, J. Ghostlaw, J. Hoddinott, P. Menon, A. Parvin, A. Pereira, A. Quisumbing, S. Roy, and M. Younus, forthcoming. Increasing Production Diversity and Diet Quality: Evidence from Bangladesh, American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
[J132] A. Ahmed, J. Hoddinott, S. Roy, E. Sraboni, 2024. Transfers, nutrition programming, and economic well-being: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh, World Development, 173(January): 106414.
[J131] J. Hoddinott and M. M. Bakhtiar, 2023. Household dairy production, dairy intake, and anthropometric outcomes in rural Bangladesh, Food Policy, 121(November): 102567.
[J130] B. Larsen, J. Hoddinott and S. Razvi. Investing in Nutrition – a Global Best Investment case, published online 2023, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, https://doi:10.1017/bca.2023.22.
[J129] A. Ahmed, F. Coleman, J. Hoddinott, P. Menon, A. Parvin, A. Pereira, A. Quisumbing, and S. Roy, 2023. Comparing delivery channels to promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Bangladesh, Food Policy, 118(July): 102484.
[J128] L. von Grafenstein, S. Klasen, and J. Hoddinott. The Indian Enigma revisited, 2023, Economics and Human Biology, 49(April): 101237.
[J127] A. Ahmed, M. Bakhtiar, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott and S. Roy. 2023. Private transfers, public transfers, and food insecurity during the time of COVID-19: Evidence from Bangladesh, Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, 45(4): 1901-1921.
[J126] F. Coleman, A. Ahmed, A. Quisumbing, S. Roy, and J. Hoddinott, 2023. Diets of Men and Women in Rural Bangladesh are Equitable but Suboptimal, Current Developments in Nutrition, 7(7).
[J125] J. Golan and J. Hoddinott, 2023. Validation of the 24-hour recall of time use and perceived exertion survey in females in rural Tigray, Ethiopia, Current Developments in Nutrition, 7(7).
[J124] Y. Han, S. Park, J.E. Kim, J. Hoddinott, 2023. Providing paternal BCC, maternal BCC and food vouchers resulted in smaller improvements in child dietary diversity compared to providing maternal BCC and food vouchers in a cluster randomized control trial in rural Ethiopia, Journal of Nutrition 153(2): 569-578.
[J123] K. Abay, G. Berhane, J. Hoddinott and K. Tafere, 2023. COVID-19 and Food Security in Ethiopia: Do Social Protection Programs Protect? Economic Development and Cultural Change 71(2): 373-402. [Lead article]
[J122] K. Abay. G. Berhane, J. Hoddinott and K. Tafere. 2022. Respondent fatigue leads to reductions in dietary diversity scores reported from mobile phone surveys in Ethiopia during the Covid-19 pandemic, Journal of Nutrition 152(10): 2269-2276.
[J121] R. Sabates-Wheeler, K. Hirvonen, J. Lind, J. Hoddinott. 2022. Expanding social protection coverage with humanitarian aid: Lessons on targeting and transfer values from Ethiopia, Journal of Development Studies 58(10): 1981-2000.
[J120] G. Wable Grandner, K. Rasmussen, K. Dickin, P. Menon, T. Yeh, J. Hoddinott, 2022. Storytelling for persuasion: Insights from community health workers on how they engage family members to improve adoption of recommended maternal nutrition and breastfeeding behaviors in rural Bangladesh, Maternal and Child Nutrition 18(4): e13408.
[J119] S. Blom, J. Hoddinott, and A. Ortiz-Bobea, 2022. Heat Exposure and Child Nutrition: Evidence from West Africa, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 115: 102698.
[J118] M. Onah, J. Hoddinott, and S. Horton, 2022. Qualitative exploration of the dynamics of women’s dietary diversity. How much does economic empowerment matter? Public Health Nutrition 25(6): 1461-1471.
[J117] Sk M. Billah, T. Ferdous, P. Kelly, J. Hoddinott, S. El Arifeen and seven others, 2022. The effect of m-health aided one-to-one counselling to support exclusive breastfeeding among 0–5-month-old infants in rural Bangladesh” Maternal and Child Nutrition 18(3): e13377.
[J116] N. Akseer, H. Tasic; M. Onah, J. Wigle, R. Rajakumar, D. Sanchez, J. Akuoku, R. Black, B. Horta, N. Nwuneli, R. Shine, K. Wazny, N. Japra, M. Shekar and J. Hoddinott, 2022, “Economic costs of childhood stunting to the private sector in low- and middle-income countries” EClinicalMedicine (Part of Lancet Discovery Science), 45: 101320.
[J115] J. Lind, R. Sabates-Wheeler, J. Hoddinott and A.S. Taffesse, 2022, “Targeting social transfers in Ethiopia’s agro-pastoralist and pastoralist societies", Development and Change, 53(2): 279-307.
[J114] Sk M. Billah, T. Ferdous, P. Kelly, J. Hoddinott, S. El Arifeen and seven others, 2022. “The effect of nutrition counselling of mothers using a digital job-aid to improve dietary diversity among children aged 6-23 months, a cluster randomised controlled trial in rural Bangladesh”, Maternal and Child Nutrition
[J113] D. Tiruneh, R. Sabates, C. Rolleston and J. Hoddinott, 2021. Trends in mathematics learning in Ethiopia: 2012 – 2019. Bahir Dar Journal of Education 21(1): 26-45.
[J112] A. Quisumbing, A. Ahmed, J. Hoddinott, A. Pereira and S. Roy, 2021. Designing for empowerment impact in agricultural development projects: Experimental evidence from the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) Project in Bangladesh, World Development 146: 105622.
[J111] C. Barrett, K. Ghezzi-Kopel, J. Hoddinott, N. Homami, E. Tennant, J. Upton, and T. Wu, 2021. A Scoping Review of the Development Resilience Literature: Theory, Methods and Evidence, World Development 146: 105612.
[J110] M. Filipski, G. Rosenbach, E. Tiburcio, P. Dorosh, and J. Hoddinott, 2021, “Refugees Who Mean Business: Economic Activities in and around the Rohingya Settlements in Bangladesh”, Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1): 1202-1242.
[J109] R. Sabates-Wheeler, J. Lind and J. Hoddinott, 2021, “Graduation after ten years of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Surviving but still not thriving" Development Policy Review, 39(4): 511-531. [Lead article]
[J108] M. Santoso, R. Bezner Kerr, N. Kassim, H. Martin, E. Mtinda, P. Njau, K. Mtei, J. Hoddinott, S. Young, 2021, “A participatory agroecology intervention improves food security, gender equity, and children’s diets in rural Tanzania”, Journal of Nutrition, 151(7): 2010-2021. [Editor’s Choice].
[J107] A. Ahmed, J. Hoddinott, N. Abedin, and N. Z. Hossain, 2021, “Economic and health impacts of genetically modified eggplant: Results from a randomized controlled trial of Bt brinjal in Bangladesh”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103(4): 1186-1206. [Lead article]
[J106] E. Kirkwood, M. Dibley, J. Hoddinott, T. Huda, S. E. Arifeen and seven others, 2021, “Assessing the impact of a combined nutrition counselling and cash transfer intervention on women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh: A study protocol”, BMJ Open, 11: e044263.
[J105] K. Hirvonen and J. Hoddinott, 2021. “Beneficiary views on cash and in-kind payments: Evidence from Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme”, World Bank Economic Review, 35(2): 398-413.
[J104] M. Onah, S. Horton and J. Hoddinott, 2021. “What empowerment indicators are important for food consumption for women? Evidence from 5 sub-Sahara African countries”, PLoS One 16(4): e0250014.
[J103] G. Wable Grandner, K. Rasmussen, K. Dickin, P. Menon, R. Kanbur and J. Hoddinott, 2021, “Assessing statistical similarity in dietary intakes of women of reproductive age in Bangladesh", Maternal and Child Nutrition, 17(2):e13086.
[J102] M. Ramírez-Luzuriaga, J. Hoddinott, R. Martorell, M. Ramírez-Zea, and A. Stein, 2021, “Early-life nutrition and subsequent international migration: A prospective study in rural Guatemala”, Journal of Nutrition, 151(1): 716-721.
[J101] M. Ramírez-Luzuriaga, J. Hoddinott, R. Martorell, S. Patel, M. Ramírez-Zea, R. Waford and A. Stein, 2021, “Linear growth trajectories in early childhood and adult cognitive and socioemotional functioning in a Guatemalan cohort”, Journal of Nutrition, 151(1): 206-213.
[J100] T. Huda, A. Alam, T. Tahsina, J. Hoddinott, M. Dibley and 13 others, 2020. “Assessing the impact of a combined nutrition counselling and cash transfer intervention on women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh: A randomised control trial protocol”, BMC Public Health, 20(1776).
[J99] E. Knippenberg, D. Jolliffe and J. Hoddinott, 2020. "Land Fragmentation and Food Insecurity in Ethiopia", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(5): 1557-1577.
[J98] S. Devereux, C. Béné and J. Hoddinott, 2020. “Conceptualising COVID-19’s impacts on household food security", Food Security 12: 769-772.
[J97] J. Hoddinott and T. Mekasha, 2020, “Social protection, household size and its determinants: Evidence from Ethiopia”, Journal of Development Studies 56(10): 1818-1837.
[J96] Behrman, J, J. Hoddinott and J. Maluccio, 2020. Nutrition, adult cognitive skills and productivity: Results and influence of the Oriente Longitudinal Study, Food and Nutrition Bulletin 41(1S): 541-549
[J95] J. Hoddinott, P. Dorosh, M. Filipski, G. Rosenbach and E. Tiburcio, 2020, “Food transfers, electronic food vouchers and child nutritional status among Rohingya children living in Bangladesh”, PLoS One
[J94] A. Quisumbing, A. Ahmed, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott, N. Kumar, J. Leroy, P. Menon, D. Olney, S. Roy and M. Ruel, 2020, “Randomized controlled trials of multi-sectoral programs: Lessons from development research”, World Development 127(Article 104816)
[J93] F. Gomes, S. Adu-Afarwuah, C. Ajello, G. Bergeron, R. Black, J. Hoddinott and 21 others, 2020, “Setting research priorities on multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1465: 76-88.
[J92] S. Roy, M. Hidrobo, J. Hoddinott and A. Ahmed, 2019, “Transfers, behavior change communication, and intimate partner violence: Post-program evidence from rural Bangladesh”, Review of Economics and Statistics 101(5): 865-877.
[J91] M. Santoso, R. Bezner Kerr, J. Hoddinott, P. Garigipati, S. Olmos and S. Young, 2019, “What is the role of women’s empowerment in child nutrition outcomes? A systematic review”, Advances in Nutrition, 10(6): 1138-1151.
[J90] D. Headey, K. Hirvonen, J. Hoddinott and D. Stifel, 2019, "Rural food markets and child nutrition”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(5): 1311-1327. [Lead article].
[J89] M. Bourassa, S. Osendarp, S. Adu-Afarwuah, S. Ahmed, J. Hoddinott and 24 others, 2019, “Review of the evidence regarding the use of antenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation in low- and middle-income countries”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1444 (1): 6-21.
[J88] D. Headey, K. Hirvonen and J. Hoddinott, 2018, “Animal sourced foods and child stunting”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(5): 1302-1319.
[J87] S. Gillespie, J. Hoddinott, N. Nisbett, S. Arifeen and M. van den Bold, 2018, “Evidence to Action: Highlights from Transform Nutrition Research (2012-17)”, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 39(3): 335-360 [Lead article].
[J86] J. Hoddinott, S. Sandström and J. Upton, 2018, “The impact of cash and food transfers: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Niger”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(4): 1032-1049.
[J85] N. D. Ford, J. Behrman, J. Hoddinott, J. Maluccio, R. Martorell, M. Ramirez-Zea and A. D. Stein, 2018, “Exposure to improved nutrition from conception to age 2 y and adult cardiometabolic disease risk”, Lancet Global Health, 6(8): e875-e884. :
[J84] J. Hoddinott, A. Ahmed and S. Roy, 2018, “Randomized control trials demonstrate that nutrition sensitive social protection interventions increase the use of Sprinkles and other iron supplements in rural pre-school Bangladeshi children", Public Health Nutrition, 21(9): 1753-1761.
[J83] J. Hoddinott, 2018, “The investment case for folic acid fortification in developing countries”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1414(1): 72-81. :
[J82] J. Hoddinott, A. Ahmed, N. Karachiwalla and S. Roy, 2018, “Nutrition behaviour change communication causes sustained effects on IYCN knowledge in two cluster-randomised trials in Bangladesh”, Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14(1).
[J81] M. Hidrobo, J. Hoddinott, N. Kumar and M. Olivier, 2018, “Social protection, food security and assets”, World Development, 101: 88-103.
[J80] J. Hoddinott, I. Ahmed, A. Ahmed and S. Roy, 2017. “Behavior change communication activities and their impact on infant and young child nutrition knowledge and practice of neighboring non-participants in rural Bangladesh”, PLoS One. :
[J79] K. Hirvonen and J. Hoddinott, 2017. “Agricultural production and children’s diets: Evidence from rural Ethiopia”, Agricultural Economics, 49(4): 469-480. :
[J78] C. Heinrich, J. Hoddinott, and M. Samson, 2017. “Reducing adolescent risky behaviors in a high-risk context: The effects of unconditional cash transfers in South Africa”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 65(4): 619-652.
[J77] D. Headey, J. Hoddinott and S. Park, 2017. “Accounting for nutritional changes in six success stories: A regression-decomposition approach”, Global Food Security, 13: 12-20.
[J76] K. Hirvonen, J. Hoddinott, B. Minten and D. Stifel, 2017. “Children’s diets, nutrition knowledge, and access to markets", World Development, 95: 303-315. :
[J75] D. Headey and J. Hoddinott, 2016. “Agriculture, nutrition and the Green Revolution in Bangladesh”, Agricultural Systems, 149: 122-131.
[J74] J. Hoddinott, N. Karachiwalla, N. Ledlie and S. Roy, 2016. “Adolescent girls’ infant and young child nutrition knowledge sources differ among rural and urban samples in Bangladesh”, Maternal and Child Nutrition, 12(4): 885-897.
[J73] D. Headey, J. Hoddinott and S. Park, 2016. “Drivers of nutritional change in four south Asian countries: A dynamic observational analysis”, Maternal and Child Nutrition, 12(Suppl. 1): 210-218.
[J72] E. Puentes, F. Wang, J. Behrman, F. Cunha, J. Hoddinott, J. Maluccio, L. Adair, J. Borja, R. Martorell, and A. Stein, 2016. “Early life height and weight production functions with endogenous energy and protein inputs”, Economics and Human Biology, 22: 65-81.
[J71] J. Hoel, B. Schwab and J. Hoddinott, 2016. “Self-control fatigue, cognitive function, and the expression of time preference: Experimental results from Ethiopia”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 52: 136-146.
[J70] D. Headey and J. Hoddinott, 2015. “Understanding the rapid reduction of undernutrition in Nepal, 2001–2011”, PLoS One, 10(12): e0145738 (13pp).
[J69] J. Hoddinott, D. Headey, and M. Dereje, 2015. “Cows, missing milk markets and nutrition in rural Ethiopia,” Journal of Development Studies, 51(8): 958-975.
[J68] A. de Brauw, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott and S. Roy, 2015. “The impact of Bolsa Família on schooling” World Development, 70(6): 303-316.
[J67] A. Margolies and J. Hoddinott, 2015. “Costing alternative transfer modalities”, Journal of Development Effectiveness, 7(1): 1-17 [Lead article].
[J66] A. de Brauw, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott and S. Roy, 2015. “Bolsa Família and household labor supply” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 63(3): 423-457 [Lead article].
[J65] D. Headey, J. Hoddinott, D. Ali, R. Tesfaye and M. Dereje, 2015. “The other Asian enigma: Explaining the rapid reduction of malnutrition in Bangladesh”, World Development, 66(2): 749-761.
[J64] J. Heathers, J. Hoel, S. Wegerif, B. Schwab, N. Ledlie, K. Abay, G. Berhane and J. Hoddinott, 2014. “Smartphone platform survey-scale heart rate collection – A performance evaluation in Ethiopia”, Proceedings of Wireless Health 2014, 1-6.
[J63] G. Berhane, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott, N. Kumar and A. Seyoum Taffesse, 2014. “Can Social Protection Work in Africa? Evidence on the impact of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme on food security and assets”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 63(1): 1-26 [Lead article].
[J62] A. de Brauw, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott and S. Roy, 2014. “The Impact of Bolsa Familia on women’s decision-making power,” World Development, 59(July): 487-504. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.02.003
[J61] J. Behrman, J. Hoddinott, J. Maluccio, E. Soler-Hampejsek, E. Behrman, R. Martorell, M. Ramirez-Zea, and A. Stein, 2014. “What Determines Adult Cognitive Skills? Impacts of Pre-School, Schooling and Post-School Experiences in Guatemala,” Latin America Economic Review, 23(4).
[J60] M. Hidrobo, J. Hoddinott, A. Peterman, A. Margolies, and V. Moreira, 2014 “Cash, food, or vouchers? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Northern Ecuador” Journal of Development Economics, 107: 144-156.
[J59] J. Hoddinott, J. Maluccio, J. Behrman, R. Martorell, P. Melgar, A. Quisumbing, M. Ramirez-Zea, A. Stein, and K. Yount, 2013. “Adult consequences of growth failure in early childhood,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98: 1170-1178.
[J58] J. Hoddinott, H. Alderman, J. Behrman, L. Haddad and S. Horton, 2013. “The economic rationale for investing in stunting reduction”, Maternal and Child Nutrition, 9(Suppl 2): 69-82.
[J57] R. Sabates-Wheeler, J. Lind and J. Hoddinott, 2013. “Implementing social protection in pastoralist areas: how local distribution structures moderate PSNP outcomes in Ethiopia,” World Development, 50(1): pp. 1-12[Lead article].
[J56] S. Mani, J. Hoddinott and J. Strauss, 2013. “Determinants of Schooling Outcomes - Empirical Evidence from Rural Ethiopia”, Journal of African Economies, 22(5): 693-731.
[J55] R. Vargas Hill, N. Kumar and J. Hoddinott, 2013. “Adoption of weather-index insurance: Learning from willingness to pay among a panel of households in rural Ethiopia,” Agricultural Economics, 44(4-5):385-398.
[J54] K. Yount, J. Behrman, J. Hoddinott, J. Maluccio, A. Murphy, and U. Ramakrishnan, 2013. “Does schooling increase and schooling gender gaps decline with increases in parental schooling and wealth? Evidence from over a quarter century in rural Guatemala,” Population Research and Policy Review, 32(4): 495-528,
[J53] J. Hoddinott, G. Berhane, D. Gilligan, N. Kumar and A. Seyoum Taffesse, 2012. “The Impact of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and related transfers on agricultural productivity,” Journal of African Economies, 21(5): 761-786.
[J52] S. Mani, J. Hoddinott and J. Strauss, 2012. “Long-term impact of investments in early schooling – Empirical evidence from rural Ethiopia”, Journal of Development Economics, 99(2): 292-299.
[J51] S. Dercon, J. Hoddinott and T. Woldehanna, 2012. “Growth, poverty and chronic poverty in rural Ethiopia: Evidence from 15 Communities 1994-2009,” Journal of Development Studies, 48(2): 238-253,
[J50] A. de Brauw and J. Hoddinott, 2011. “Must Conditional Cash Transfer Programs be conditioned to be effective? The impact of conditioning transfers on school enrollment in Mexico,” Journal of Development Economics, 96(2): 359-370. doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2010.08.014.
[J49] K. Yount, J. Hoddinott and A. Stein, 2010. “Disability and self-reported health among older women and men in rural Guatemala: The role of obesity and chronic conditions”, Social Science and Medicine 71(8): 1418-1427. DOI: doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.06.046.
[J48] D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott, and A. Seyoum Taffesse, 2009. “An analysis of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and its linkages”, Journal of Development Studies 45(10): 1684-1706.
[J47] K. Yount, J. Hoddinott, A. Stein and A. DiGirolamo, 2009. “Individual capital and cognitive aging in Guatemala,” Population Studies 63(3): 295-306.
[J46] J. Behrman, M. C. Calderon, S. Preston, J. Hoddinott, R. Martorell and A. Stein, 2009. “Nutritional supplementation of girls influences the growth of their children: Prospective study in Guatemala,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90(5): 1372-1379. DOI:
[J45] S. Dercon, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott and T. Woldehanna. 2009. “The impact of roads and agricultural extension on consumption growth and poverty in fifteen Ethiopian villages,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(4): 1007-1021. DOI:
[J44] J. Maluccio, J. Hoddinott, J. Behrman, R. Martorell, A. Quisumbing, and A. Stein, 2009. “The impact of nutrition during early childhood on education among Guatemalan Adults”, Economic Journal 119(April): 734-763. DOI:
[J43] A. Stein, M. Wang, A. DiGirolamo, J. Hoddinott, R. Martorell, M. Ramirez-Zea, and K. Yount, 2009. “Height for Age Increased While Body Mass Index for Age Remained Stable between 1968 and 2007 among Guatemalan Children”, Journal of Nutrition 139(2): 365-369. DOI:
[J42] M. Islam and J. Hoddinott, 2009, “Evidence of intra-household flypaper effects from a nutrition intervention in rural Guatemala,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 57(2): 215-248. [Lead article] DOI:
[J41] J. Hoddinott, M. Cohen and C. Barrett, 2008, “Renegotiating the Food Aid Convention: Background, Context, and Issues,” Global Governance 14(3): 283-304.
[J40] A. Stein, P. Melgar, J. Hoddinott, and R. Martorell, 2008, “Cohort Profile: The INCAP Nutritional Trial Cohort Study,” International Journal of Epidemiology 37(4): 716-720. DOI:
[J39] J. Hoddinott, J. Maluccio, J. Behrman, R. Flores and R. Martorell, 2008, “Effect of a nutrition intervention during early childhood on economic productivity in Guatemalan adults”, The Lancet 371: 411-416. This paper received the CGIAR Science Award for an Outstanding Scientific Article 2009. DOI:
[J38] J. Hoddinott, 2007, “Social protection: To target or not to target”, IDS Bulletin 38(3): 90-94.
[J37] D. Gilligan and J. Hoddinott, 2007, “Is there persistence in the impact of emergency food aid? Evidence on consumption, food security and assets in rural Ethiopia”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(2): 225-242. [Lead article. Received American Agricultural Economics Association Outstanding Journal Article Award]
[J36] H. Alderman, J. Behrman and J. Hoddinott, 2007, “Economic and nutritional analyses offer substantial synergies for understanding human nutrition”, Journal of Nutrition 137: 537-544.
[J35] H. Alderman, J. Hoddinott and B. Kinsey, 2006, “Long term consequences of early childhood malnutrition”, Oxford Economic Papers 58(3): 450-474. Reprinted in Food Security, ed. by M. Rosegrant, Sage Publications, 2014. Nominated for the CGIAR Science Award for an Outstanding Scientific Article 2007. DOI:
[J34] J. Hoddinott, 2006. “Shocks and their consequences across and within households in rural Zimbabwe”, Journal of Development Studies 42(2): 301-321. DOI:
[J33] S. Dercon, J. Hoddinott and T. Woldehanna, 2005. “Shocks and consumption in 15 Ethiopian Villages, 1999-2004”, Journal of African Economies 14(4): 559-585. DOI:
[J32] S. Harrower and J. Hoddinott, 2005. “Consumption smoothing in the Zone Lacustre, Mali,” Journal of African Economies 14(4): 489-519. DOI:
[J31] A. Abdulai, C. Barrett and J. Hoddinott, 2005. “Does food aid really have disincentive effects? New evidence from sub-Saharan Africa”, World Development 33(10): 1689-1704.
[J30] J. Behrman and J. Hoddinott, 2005. “Program evaluation with unobserved heterogeneity and selective implementation: The Mexican Progresa impact on child nutrition”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 67: 547-569. DOI:
[J29] J. Hoddinott, J. Behrman and R. Martorell, 2005. “Labor force participation and income among young Guatemalan adults”, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 26(2, Supplement 1): S98−S109.
[J28] A.D. Stein, C. Gregory, J. Hoddinott, R. Martorell, U. Ramakrishnan, and M. Ramirez-Zea, 2005. “Physical activity level, dietary habits, and alcohol and tobacco use among a cohort of young Guatemalan adults”, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 26(2, Supplement 1): S78-S87.
[J27] M. Ramirez-Zea, P. Melgar, R. Flores, J. Hoddinott, U. Ramakrishnan and A.D. Stein, 2005. “Physical fitness, body composition, blood pressure, and blood metabolic profile among a cohort of Guatemalan adults”, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 26(2, Supplement 1): S88-S97.
[J26] J. Hoddinott and E. Skoufias, 2004. “The impact of PROGRESA on food consumption”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 53(1): 37-61. DOI:
[J25] D. Coady, M. Grosh and J. Hoddinott, 2004. “Targeting outcomes redux”, World Bank Research Observer, 19(1): 61-85.
[J24] R. Macdonald and J. Hoddinott, 2004. “Determinants of Canadian bilateral aid: Humanitarian, commercial or political?” Canadian Journal of Economics, 37(2): 294-312.
[J23] T. Owens, J. Hoddinott and B. Kinsey, 2003. “Ex ante actions and ex post public responses to drought shocks: Evidence and simulations from Zimbabwe” World Development, 31(7): 1239-1256. DOI:
[J22] T. Owens, J. Hoddinott and B. Kinsey, 2003. “The impact of agricultural extension on farm production in resettlement areas of Zimbabwe”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 51(2): 337-358. DOI:
[J21] J. Hoddinott, 2002. “Participation and poverty reduction: An analytical framework and overview of the issues”, Journal of African Economies, 11(1): 144-166. DOI:
[J20] J. Hoddinott and B. Kinsey, 2001. “Child growth in the time of drought”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 63(4): 409-436. [Lead article] DOI:
[J19] L. Christiaensen, J. Hoddinott and G. Bergeron, 2001. “Comparing village characteristics derived from rapid appraisals and household surveys: A tale from northern Mali”, Journal of Development Studies, vol. 37(1): 1-20. [Lead article]
[J18] B. Baulch and J. Hoddinott, 2000. “Economic mobility and poverty dynamics in developing countries”, Journal of Development Studies, 36(6): 1-24. [Lead article] DOI:
[J17] J.W. Gunning, J. Hoddinott, B. Kinsey and T. Owens, 2000. “Revisiting forever gained: Income dynamics in the resettlement areas of Zimbabwe, 1983-1997”, Journal of Development Studies, 36(6): 131-154. DOI:
[J16] S. Morris, C. Carletto, J. Hoddinott and L. Christiaensen, 2000. “Validity of rapid estimates of household wealth and income for health surveys in rural Africa”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 54(5): 381-387. DOI:
[J15] P. Maggs and J. Hoddinott, 1999. “The impact of changes in common property resource management on intrahousehold allocation” Journal of Public Economics, 72(2): 317-324. Reprinted in Property rights and environmental problems, ed. by B. Larson, Ashgate, 2003.
[J14] S. Appleton, J. Hoddinott and P. Krishnan, 1999. “The gender wage gap in three African countries”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 47(2): 289-312.
[J13] J. Hoddinott, 1996. “Wages and unemployment in an urban African labour market”, Economic Journal, 106(439): 1610-1626.
[J12] S. Appleton, J. Hoddinott and J. Mackinnon, 1996. “Education and health in sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal of International Development, 8(3): 307-340. [Lead article] DOI:<307::AID-JID394>3.0.CO;2-D
[J11] S. Appleton, J. Hoddinott and J. Knight, 1996. “Primary education as an input into post-primary education: A neglected benefit”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 57(1): 211-219.
[J10] J. Hoddinott, 1996. “The intrahousehold distribution of food: An economic perspective” Social Change, 26(2): 45-56. Reprinted in Demographic transition: An Asian perspective, ed by R. Balakrishnan, 2011.
[J9] C. Udry, J. Hoddinott, L. Haddad and H. Alderman, 1995. “Gender differentials in farm productivity: Implications for household efficiency and agricultural policy”, Food Policy, 20(5): 407-423. DOI:
[J8] J. Hoddinott and L. Haddad, 1995. “Does female income share influence household expenditures? Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 57(1): 77-96.
[J7] H. Alderman, P.A. Chiappori. L. Haddad, J. Hoddinott and S.M.R. Kanbur, 1995. “Unitary versus collective household models: Time to shift the burden of proof?” World Bank Research Observer, 10(1): 1-19. [Lead article]. Reprinted in The Economics of Food Security, ed. by Raghbendra Jha and Raghav Gaiha, Edward Elgar, 2015.
[J6] H. Alderman, L. Haddad, J. Hoddinott and S. Vosti, 1994. “Strengthening agricultural and natural resource policy through intrahousehold analysis: An introduction”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(December): 1208-1212.
[J5] J. Hoddinott, 1994. “A model of migration and remittances applied to western Kenya” Oxford Economic Papers, 46(3): 459-476.
[J4] L. Haddad and J. Hoddinott, 1994. “Women's income and boy-girl anthropometric status in the Côte d'Ivoire”, World Development, 22(4): 543-553.
[J3] E. Francis and J. Hoddinott, 1993. “Migration and differentiation in western Kenya: A tale of two sub–locations”, Journal of Development Studies, 30(1): 115-145.
[J2] J. Hoddinott, 1992. “Modelling remittance flows in Kenya”, Journal of African Economies, 1(2): 206-232.
[J1] J. Hoddinott, 1992. “Rotten kids or manipulative parents: Are children old age security in western Kenya?” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40(3): 545-566. Reprinted in The economics of the family, ed. by N. Folbre, Edward Elgar, 1996.
Reviewed commentary and letters
[L2] F. Gomes, R. Black, E. Smith, A. Shankar, P. Christian on behalf of The Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation Technical Advisory Group (incl J. Hoddinott), 2022. Multiple micronutrient supplements in pregnancy: an urgent and important priority, The Lancet Global Health 10(9): e1239.
[L1] L. Richter, C. Desmond, J. Behrman, J. Hoddinott and 12 others, 2018. G20’s Initiative for Early Childhood Development, The Lancet 392: 2695-2696.
Chapters in books
[C46] J. Hoddinott, 2023. “Food systems, resilience, and their implications for public action” in Resilience and Food Security in a Food Systems Context ed by C. Bene and S. Devereux (London: Palgrave MacMillan).
[C45] Behrman, J, J. Hoddinott and J. Maluccio, 2019. Nutricion y habilidades cognitivas y productividad del adulto: Resultados y contribucion del Estudio Longitudinal de Oriente del INCAP. In Estudio Longitudinal de Oriente del INCAP: 50 anos contribuyendo a la nutricion publica. Ramirez M. y M. Mazariegos (eds). Guatemala: INCAP. (Spanish translation of J96].
[C44] J. Hoddinott and A.S. Taffesse, 2019. “Social protection in Ethiopia” in The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy ed by C. Cramer, F. Cheru, and A. Oqubay (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
[C43] K. Hirvonen, D. Headey, J. Golan, and J. Hoddinott, 2019. “Changes in child undernutrition rates in Ethiopia 2000-2016” in The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy ed by C. Cramer, F. Cheru, and A. Oqubay (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
[C42] J. Hoddinott, 2018. “Comment on ‘Human capital and shocks’ and ‘Poverty and cognitive function’” in The economics of poverty traps and chronic poverty ed by C. Barrett, M. Carter and J.P. Chavas (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
[C41] M. Samson, C. Heinrich, J. Hoddinott, G. Laryea-Adjei, T. Buthelezi, S. Jehoma, M. Mogosti, T. Stevens, I. van Nierkek and E. Nyokangi, 2016. “The impact of a promise realized: South Africa’s Child Support Grant” in From evidence to action: The story of cash transfers and impact evaluation in sub-Saharan Africa ed by B. Davis, S. Handa, N. Hypher, N. Rossi, P. Winters and J. Yablonski (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
[C40] R. Pearson, S. Afaw, A. Baschieri, B. Birru, G. Berhane, T. Chaiban, B. Davis, S. Devereux, J. Hoddinott, J. Hoel, J. Kagin, N. Ledlie, H. Lemma, D. Mahonde, R. Pigois, P. Pozarny, K. Roelen, B. Schwab, P. Salama, I. Sessay, J.E. Taylor, F.N. Tegebu, Y. Tsegay, and D. Webb, 2016. “The role of the Tigray Social Cash Transfer programme and its evaluation in the evolution of the Tigray social policy” in From evidence to action: The story of cash transfers and impact evaluation in sub-Saharan Africa ed by B. Davis, S. Handa, N. Hypher, N. Rossi, P. Winters and J. Yablonski (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
[C39] J. Hoddinott, S. Gillespie and S. Yosef, 2016. “Public-private partnerships and undernutrition: Examples and future prospects” in Hidden hunger. Malnutrition and the first 1,000 days of life: Causes, consequences and solutions ed by H. Biesalski and R. Black (Basel: Karger).
[C38] J. Hoddinott, 2014. “Looking at development through a resilience lens” in Resilience ed by S. Fan and R. Pandya-Lorch (Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute).
[C37] A. Margolies and J. Hoddinott, 2014. “Mapping the impacts of food aid: Current knowledge and future directions” in Food Security ed by M. Rosegrant (London: Sage Publications).
[C36] J. Hoddinott, R. Sabates-Wheeler, G. Berhane, M. Handino, N. Kumar, J. Lind, A. S. Taffesse, and M. Tefera, 2013. “Implementing large scale food security programmes in rural Ethiopia: Insights from the Productive Safety Net Programme” ed by A. Pankhurst, D. Rahmato and G-J van Uffelen (Addis Ababa: Forum for Social Studies).
[C35] J. Hoddinott, M. Rosegrant and M. Torero, 2013. “Investments to reduce hunger and undernutrition”, in Global Problems, Smart Solutions ed. by B. Lomborg (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).
[C34] S. Coll-Black, D. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott, N. Kumar, A. S. Taffesse, and W. Wiseman, 2012. “Targeting food security interventions in Ethiopia: The Productive Safety Net Programme” in Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and Policy Challenges ed. by P. Dorosh and S. Rashid (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press).
[C33] J. Hoddinott, 2012. “Agriculture, health, and nutrition: Toward conceptualizing the linkages” in Reshaping agriculture for Nutrition and Health ed by S. Fan and R. Pandya-Lorch (Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute).
[C32] J. Hoddinott, 2012. “Uncovering the consequences of pre-school malnutrition” in Children growing up in poverty: Multidisciplinary approaches ed by J. Boyden and M. Bourdillon (London: Palgrave).
[C31] S. Dercon, J.Hoddinott, P. Krishnan and T. Woldehannna, 2012. “Collective action and vulnerability: Burial societies in rural Ethiopia,” in Collective action and property rights for poverty reduction: Lessons from Africa and Asia ed by E. Mwangi, H. Markelova, and R. Meinzen-Dick (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press).
[C30] J. Hoddinott and A. Quisumbing, 2010. “Methods for microeconometric risk and vulnerability assessment” in Risk, Vulnerability and Human Development: On the brink ed by R. Fuentes-Nieva and P. Seck (London: Palgrave Macmillan- United Nations Development Programme).
[C29] J. Hoddinott, D. Gilligan and A.S. Taffesse, 2010. “The impact of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program on Schooling and Child Labor” in Social Protection for Africa’s Children ed by S. Handa, S. Devereux, and D. Webb (London: Routledge).
[C28] M. Adato and J. Hoddinott, 2010. “Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: A “Magic Bullet”?” in Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: A Magic Bullet to Reduce Poverty? ed. by M. Adato and J. Hoddinott (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C27] J. Hoddinott, 2010. “Nutrition and Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Programs” in Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: A Magic Bullet to Reduce Poverty? ed. by M. Adato and J. Hoddinott (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C26] J. Hoddinott and D. Wiesmann , 2010. “The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs on Food Consumption in Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua” in Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: A Magic Bullet to Reduce Poverty? Ed. By M. Adato and J. Hoddinott (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C25] M. Adato and J. Hoddinott, 2010. “Conditional Cash Transfers in the Second Decade: Current Debates and New Frontiers” in Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: A Magic Bullet to Reduce Poverty? Ed. By M. Adato and J. Hoddinott (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C24] J. Hoddinott and L. Bassett, 2009. “Los programas de transferencias monetarias condicionadas y la nutricion en America Latina: Evaluacion de impactos y estrategias para mejorarlos,” in Transferencias condicionadas, estrategias de combatae al hambre y la desnutricion en America Latina y el Caribe vol. II (Santaigo: Food and Agriculture Organization).
[C23] J. Hoddinott, S. Dercon, and P. Krishnan, 2009. “Networks and informal mutual support in 15 Ethiopian villages,” in Institutional Economics Perspectives on African Agricultural Development, ed. by J. Kirsten, A. Dorward, C. Poulton, and N. Vink (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C22] H. Alderman, J.R. Behrman and J. Hoddinott, 2008. “Health and nutrition and economic development,” in International Handbook of Development Economics, ed. by A. Dutt and J. Ros, eds., (Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar).
[C21] M. Bourdillon, P. Hebinck, J. Hoddinott with B. Kinsey, J. Marondo, N. Mudege and T. Owens, 2007. “Assessing the impact of HYV maize in resettlement areas of Zimbabwe”, in Agricultural research and poverty: Economic and social impacts in six countries, ed. by M. Adato and R. Meinzen-Dick (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C20] J. Behrman, H. Alderman and J. Hoddinott, 2007. “Hunger and malnutrition”, in How to spend $50 billion to make the world a better place, ed by Bjorn Lomborg (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). A slightly revised version appeared in Solutions for the World's Biggest Problems: Costs and Benefits ed by B. Lomborg (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
[C19] H. Alderman, J. Behrman and J. Hoddinott, 2005. “Nutrition, malnutrition and economic growth”, in Health and economic growth: Findings and policy implications ed. by G. López-Casasnovas, B. Rivera and L. Currais (Cambridge MA: MIT Press).
[C18] S. Dercon and J. Hoddinott, 2005. “Health, shocks and poverty persistence” in Insurance against poverty ed. by S. Dercon (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
[C17] J. Behrman, H. Alderman and J. Hoddinott, 2004. “Hunger and malnutrition”, in Global crisis, global solutions ed. by B. Lomborg (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).
[C16] J. Behrman and J. Hoddinott, 2003. “Social safety nets for more adaptable labor markets in developing countries”, in Improving Labor Market Opportunities and Security for Workers in Developing Countries ed by W. Kosanovich, Bureau of International Labor Affairs Research Symposium, Vol. 1 (Washington DC: United States, Department of Labor).
[C15] J. Hoddinott, 2002. “СОЦіаЛьна ПОЛіТИКА: розробка та втілення” (“Social policy with a particular emphasis on youth: Issues in design and implementation”) in EKOHOMIчHИЙ POЗВИТОК I ДЕРЖАВНА ПОЛІТИКА, 8, Institute of Public Adminstration, Kyiv Ukraine.
[C14] J. Hoddinott, 2001. “Targeting: Principles and practice” in Food security in practice: Methods for rural development projects, (Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute).
[C13] J. Hoddinott, 2001. “Choosing outcome indicators of household food security” in Food security in practice: Methods for rural development projects, (Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute).
[C12] J. Hoddinott, 2001. “Introduction” in Food security in practice: Methods for rural development projects, (Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute).
[C11] S. Appleton, J. Hoddinott, P. Krishnan and K. Max, 1998. “Does the labour market explain lower female schooling? Evidence from three African countries”, in Labour markets, poverty and Development ed by G. Navaretti, R. Faini and G. Zanalda, (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
[C10] L. Haddad, J. Hoddinott and H. Alderman, 1997. “Introduction: The scope of intrahousehold allocation issues” in Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Developing Countries: Models, Methods, and Policy, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C9] J. Hoddinott, H. Alderman, and L. Haddad, 1997. “Testing competing models of intrahousehold allocation”, in Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Developing Countries: Models, Methods and Policy, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C8] H. Alderman, L. Haddad, and J. Hoddinott, 1997. “Policy issues and intrahousehold allocation”, in Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Developing Countries: Models, Methods and Policy, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
[C7] P. Collier, J. Hoddinott and F. Teal, 1996. “Urban African labor markets and the policy credibility problem”, in African Development Perspectives Yearbook, 1994-1995 ed. by K. Wohlmuth and F. Messner (Hamburg: LIT Verlag).
[C6] L. Haddad and J. Hoddinott, 1994. “Household resource allocation in the Côte d'Ivoire: Inferences from expenditure data”, in Poverty, Inequality and Rural Development, ed. by T.A. Lloyd and W.O. Morrissey, (London: MacMillan).
[C5] J. Hoddinott, 1993. “Family size and support to the elderly in western Kenya” in Fertility, Family Size and Structure: Consequences for Families and Children, ed. by C. Lloyd, (New York: The Population Council).
[C4] G. Eele, R. Hay and J. Hoddinott, 1993. “Household food security and nutrition”, in Analysis Plans for Understanding the Social Dimensions of Adjustment, ed by L. Demery, M. Ferroni and C. Grootaert, (Washington D.C: World Bank).
[C3] J. Hoddinott, 1992. “Fieldwork under time constraints” in Fieldwork in Developing Countries, (Harvester Wheatsheaf, UK and Lynne Reinner, USA).
[C2] S. Devereux and J. Hoddinott, 1992. “The context of fieldwork”, in Fieldwork in Developing Countries, (Harvester Wheatsheaf, UK and Lynne Reinner, USA).
[C1] S. Devereux and J. Hoddinott, 1992. “Issues in data collection”, in Fieldwork in Developing Countries, (Harvester Wheatsheaf, UK and Lynne Reinner, USA).
John's professional activities focus primarily on ongoing research collaborations in Bangladesh and Ethiopia. He is a past Managing Editor of the Journal of African Economies, and past Associate Editor of Economics and Human Biology. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Agricultural and Resource Economics Review and Journal of Development Studies. Since 2016, he has been part of the NEUDC Program Committee.
1989, D. Phil., (Economics), University of Oxford
1986, M.A., (Economics), York University
1984, B.A., (Honours, Economics), University of Toronto