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Visiting Student Status

Visiting student status in the College of Human Ecology
Students may apply as visiting students if they are enrolled at another undergraduate institution and are interested in specific programs in the College of Human Ecology; have a bachelor’s degree and are preparing for graduate study or a career in a Human Ecology related field; or have interrupted their undergraduate education and are considering completing a degree program. Visiting students have similar academic experiences as our matriculated students. Currently, students may only begin their Visiting Student experience in a fall term. Visiting students are not eligible for financial aid from Cornell University.
Those accepted as non-degree visiting students may enroll for a maximum of two semesters and must take a minimum of 12 credits each semester with half or more of their credits completed through College of Human Ecology coursework. Courses taken while a visiting student may be counted toward the requirements of a bachelor’s degree.
Visiting students must apply for transfer admission to the College of Human Ecology/Cornell University during the second semester of attendance or terminate studies in the college at the end of the second semester.
Those interested in becoming a visiting student should contact the College of Human Ecology Office of Admissions (607-255-5471) to schedule an appointment to discuss advising and the application process.