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Committee Representatives

College Committees
College Committees
The committee is charged with setting priorities and devising strategies and methods for achieving diversity in the College of Human Ecology through affirmative action.
The College of Human Ecology has an inclusive approach to diversity in a committee structure that each member has an equal voice in committee discussions and recommendations. It believes that all constituents within the college have an active interest and role in creating a positive, welcoming climate for faculty, staff and students within the college.
All members will be asked to serve and appointed to the role by the Dean. If additional members from any of the above constituent groups would like to join the committee they may do so by requesting a seat on the committee through the committee and being appointed to the committee by the Dean. Term length: A term of committee service is for 2 years and committee members may be appointed for consecutive terms. The committee should have staggered term dates as to facilitate continuity.
Bernadette Parr Soto
Eve DeRosa
Carrie Chalmers
Dyese Matthews
Van Dyk Lewis
Mirely Garcia
Dakota Cintron
Elizabeth Riley
The responsibilities of the Educational Policies Committee are to make recommendations to the faculty on the educational philosophy of the college and the policies necessary and desirable for implementing that philosophy; review and make recommendations to the faculty on college requirements for graduation, the requirements for each major; department curricula, and new courses; review and make recommendations to appropriate bodies on proposals for college-wide educational programs and courses.
1 college faculty member representing each major, selected by each unit (3-year term)
2 students (1-year term) 1 graduate & 1 undergraduate
Dean or designate
Staff representing library resources
Current Members
Marianella Casasola
Rhonda Gilmore, DEA
Frances Kozen, FSAD
Lauren Korfine, HD
Marla Lujan, DNS
Diana Hackett, Mann Library
The Grievance Committee deals with complaints received from faculty citing grievances against faculty or administrators or from administrators citing grievances against faculty when such grievances are of types not delegated to other committees or agencies of the college or the university.
4 faculty elected at large, tenured and nontenured (5-year term)
Current Members
Daniel Casasanto (Psych), 2023-2028
Anthony Ong, (Psych) 2022-2027
Joeva Barrow (DNS) 2023-2028
Mardelle Shepley (HCD) 2023-2028
The Nominations Committee is responsible for elections held within the college for faculty representatives to other than college bodies (for example, the Cornell University Council of Representatives and State University of New York Faculty Senate); for members of standing committees of the faculty; and for any other position designated by the faculty.
4 faculty elected at large, at least 1 nontenured and no more than 2 members from any one division department or (3-year term)
Current Members
Nancy Wells, (HCD), chair 2022-2025
Jay Yoon (HCD), 2022-2025
Angela Odoms-Young (DNS) 2023-2026
Jane Mendle (Psych) 2023-2026
The SUNY Chancellor's Award Selection Committee solicits nominations for candidates for the SUNY Chancellor's Awards, there are multiple awards, evaluates the nominees' qualifications, and makes a report in the form of a recommendation to the dean of the college.
2 faculty--the most recent recipients of faculty awards
3 elected undergraduate students (1-year term)
Current Members
Nancy Wells
Julia Finkelstein
Emily Gier
CHEER Mission Statement
College of Human Ecology Employee Rejuvenation
CHEER exists to support the physical, social and psychological well-being of staff working in the College of Human Ecology by:
1. coordinating and sponsoring events that advance our lives through education, entertainment, and social connection
2. promoting and celebrating the diversity that each individual brings to the CHE community
3. encouraging staff to reflect on and engage in the mission of the College
4. liaise regarding work environment issues that could be improved to the benefit of all
CHEER shall consist of non-academic staff members with at least a representative from each of the following departments or organized groups:
Administration (including Admissions, Student and Career Services, and Registrar)
Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research
Cooperative Extension
Design & Environmental Analysis
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Fiber Science & Apparel Design
Human Development
Policy Analysis & Management
Each member will serve a two-year term (based on the fiscal year - July through June) and may not serve two consecutive terms. One-half of the initial members were selected at random to serve only a one-year term in order to establish a turnover of one-half of the committee members on an annual basis. If a member resigns from the committee, the member's home department will select someone to complete the remaining term. The "replacement" member is eligible to serve on the committee for the next full two-year term.
A member of the Human Resources team will function as the Chair of this group.
Time Commitment: CHEER will hold monthly meetings for approximately one hour each. Additional time may be needed from members at various times throughout the year to help coordinate events or work on special projects. This additional time should rotate among members, so that one or two members are not bearing the bulk of the time.
Note: All time spent at meetings and working with this committee requires the approval of the employee's supervisor.
Current Members
Salina Hoque
Krassi Hernandez
Darin Gillenwater
Josh Eckenrode
Lisa Escobar Jones
Courtney Crawford
Galib Braschler
Zach Milicic
Kim Dunst
- Nancy Wells, DEA
- Frances Kozen, FSAD
- Valerie Reyna, HD
- Angela Odoms-Young, DNS
- Kim Kopko, PAM
- Karl Pillemer, Associate Dean of Outreach and Extension, Chair, (ex officio)
- Denise Green, FSAD graduate field
- Gary Evans, DEA graduate field
-, David Pizarro, HD graduate field
- Laura Bellows, Nutrition graduate field
Graduate Field Assistants
Shane Hutchinson, HCD
Pam Cunningham, Psych
Marianne Archangeli, Psych
Doralee Knuppenburg, DNS
- Rhonda Gilmore, DEA Majors
- Frances Kozen, FSAD Majors
- Lauren Korfine, HD Majors
- Marla Lujan, DNS Majors
Human Ecology Ambassadors
- Bernadette Soto Parr - Office of Student and Career Development
Human Ecology Association for Students of Color
- Verdene Lee, Office of Student and Career Development
Human Ecology Mature Students' Association
- Darryl Scott, Office of Student and Career Development
Kappa Omicron Nu
- Amanda Gonzalez, Office of Student and Career Development
The Office of the Dean of Faculty is responsible for establishing a University Appeals Panel (approximately 100 members) to hear appeals at the university level of decisions not to conduct a tenure review, not to award tenure, or not to promote to full professor. Each college is required to elect five tenured faculty members or five percent of its tenured faculty (whichever is greater).
Appeals Panel (5 year term)
- Rana Zadeh, 2025
- Kim O'Brien, 2027
- David Sahn, 2027
- Wendy Williams, 2027
- Margaret Frey, 2029
Faculty Committee to Advise Provost on All Tenture Decisions (FACTA 2 year term)
- Qi Wang (Psych), 2023-2025
Represent the interests of the faculty and students in promoting the effectiveness of the Albert R. Mann Library as an instrument in the missions of the College. Advise, assist and cooperate with the administrative staff of Mann Library to maintain and promote the scholarly activities of the library. Advise library administrators on matters of library policy and operation. Bring concerns and suggestions for improvement to the attention of the library, college and/or university administration. Serve as communication link between the faculty, students, scholarly community and the university, college and library administration. Inform the faculty on library matters and recommend any appropriate action. Along with the library administration, routinely make reports and or/presentations to meetings of a faculty liaison group. The Committee shall assist the library administration in seeking internal and external support for the library. The chair has responsibility for calling at least 6 meetings per year. The Committee submits an annual report to the faculty.
Four faculty members are elected by the faculty of CALS and three faculty members are elected or appointed by the Dean of Human Ecology and two student representatives. The Director of Academic Programs (CALS) and the Director of Mann Library (or their designated representatives) are ex-officio members.
- Faculty: 3 year (3 faculty members)
- Student: 1 year (1 student member)
Current Members
- Nicolas Ziebarth (Human Ecology) 2023
- David Levitsky (Human Ecology) 2023
- Janet Loebach (Human Ecology) 2023
- Katherine Sue Burton (Human Ecology) - student
- Lin Lin (Human Ecology) - student
Faculty and alternate elect at large (3-year term)
Current Members
- Tony Burrow (Psych) 2023-2026
- Charlie Izzo (BCTR) 2023-2026
University listing for Committees