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Undergraduate and graduate academic programs focus on the interaction of humans with their biological, economic, social, and physical environments. All programs within the College combine theory with application to foster creative problem solving skills. The link between theory and application is supported by the content of the programs and by a number of off-campus study programs that a large portion of students in our college participate in. The research accomplishments of the faculty profoundly influence the delivery of all academic programs.
The College offers undergraduate majors that provide students with a pre-professional education within a liberal-arts based curriculum. The application of the curriculum to real world issues is highly valued, students can choose from a variety of experiential opportunities through which to apply their education. Students participate in off-campus study programs in New York City, Albany, Washington DC, or abroad, have meaningful opportunities to engage in research with faculty through independent and directed studies, honors theses or paid research assistance, and are deeply involved in community outreach and internship/externship experiences. Our counselors and advisors, as well as our college Career Exploration Center, help students make the most of these and other opportunities.
The College welcomes transfer students as incoming sophomores and juniors.
At the doctoral level, graduate education at Cornell occurs in fields of study, which span individual colleges and departments. Fields group faculty by common academic interest, ensuring that faculty and students across the university can share ideas and work together freely. Human Ecology faculty are members of several other graduate fields, and graduate faculty of other colleges are members of graduate fields associated with Human Ecology. This breadth of opportunity enhances graduate studies for all.