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The nutritional concerns of women, infants, and children and developing effective interventions to address these concerns have been the focus of my scholarly work. Our research group used e- and m-health communications technologies to help pregnant and postpartum women develop and maintain behaviors that promote healthy body weights, which involved faculty and students in the Communications Department, as well as, the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell and faculty collaborators at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Data analysis determined the effectiveness of the integrated mobile phone and interactive web site interventions that were tested in a randomized controlled trial.
Olson CM, Strawderman MS, Graham ML. Association between consistent weight gain tracking and gestational weight gain: Secondary analysis of a randomized trial. Obesity 25 (7):1217-1227, 2017.
Graham ML, Strawderman MS, Demment M, Olson CM. Does usage of an e-health intervention reduce the risk of excessive gestational weight gain? A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res 19(1):e6, 2017. PMID: 28069560.
Hanson KL, Connor L, Olson CM, Mills G. Household instability and unpredictable earnings hinder coping in households with food insecure children. Journal of Poverty 20 (4):464-483, 2016.
Olson CM. Behavioral nutrition interventions using e- and m-health communication technologies: A narrative review. Annu Rev Nutr 36:647-64, 2016. PMID: 27022772.
Kim HK, Niederdeppe J, Guillory J, Graham M, Olson C, Gay G. Determinants of pregnant women's online self-regulatory activities for appropriate gestational weight gain. Health Communication 30:922-932, 2015.
Kim HK, Niederdeppe J, Graham M, Olson C, Gay G. Effects of online self-regulation activities on physical activity among pregnant and ealy postpartum women. J Health Commun 20(10):1115-24, 2015. PMID: 26132887.
Fernandez ID, Groth SW, Reschke JE, Graham ML, Strawderman M, Olson CM. eMoms: Electronically-mediated weight interventions for pregnant and postpartum women. Study design and baseline characteristics. Contemp Clin Trials 43:63-74, 2015. PMID: 25957183.
Demment M, Wells N, Olson C. Rural middle school nutrition and physical activity environments and the change in body mass index during adolescence. J Sch Health 85(2):100-8, 2015. doi: 10.1111/josh.12227. PMID: 25564978.
Carling SJ, Demment MM, Kjolhede CL, Olson CM. Breastfeeding duration and weight gain trajectory in infancy. Pediatrics 135(1):111-9, 2015. doi: 10.1542/peds.2014-1392. PMID: 25554813
Graham ML, Uesugi KH, Niederdeppe J, Gay GK, Olson CM. The theory, development, and implementation of an e-intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain: e-Moms Roc. Telemed J E Health 20(12):1135-42, 2014. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2013.0354. PMID: 25354350.
Lytle LA, Svetkey LP, Patrick K, Belle SH, Fernandez ID, Jakicic JM, Johnson KC, Olson CM, Tate DF, Wing R, Loria CM. The EARLY trials: a consortium of studies targeting weight control in young adults. Transl Behav Med 4(3):304-13, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s13142-014-0252-5. PMID: 25264469.
Demment MM, Graham ML, Olson CM. How an online intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain is used and by whom: a randomized controlled process evaluation. J Med Internet Res 20;16(8):e194, 2014. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3483. PMID: 25143156.
Guillory J, Niederdeppe J, Kim H, Pollak JP, Graham M, Olson C, Gay G. Does social support predict pregnant mothers’ information seeking behaviors on an educational website? Matern Child Health J 18:2218-2225, 2014. Doi: 10.1007/s10995-014-1471-6.
Kim HK, Niederdeppe J, Guillory J, Graham M, Olson C, Gay G. Determinants of pregnant women's online self-regulatory activities for appropriate gestational weight gain. Health Commun 10:1-11, 2014. PMID: 25205417.
Graham M, Uesugi K, Olson C. Barriers to weight-related health behaviours: a qualitative comparison of the socioecological conditions between pregnant and post-partum low-income women. Matern Child Nutr Jul 18, 2014. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12135. PMID: 25040706.
Demment MM, Haas JD, Olson CM. Changes in family income status and the development of overweight and obesity from 2 to 15 years: a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health14:417, 2014. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-417. PMID: 24886200.
Olson CM, Baker IR, Demment MM, Graham ML, May JJ, Strawderman MS, Wells NM. The Healthy Start Partnership: An approach to obesity prevention in young families. Family and Community Health 37(1):74-85, 2014.
Paul KH, Olson CM. Moving beyond quantity of participation in process evaluation of an intervention to prevent excessive pregnancy weight gain. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 10:23, 2013. PMID: 23406294
Olson CM, Graham ML. The Eat Well, Eat Local, Eat together (Eat3) nutrition education campaign. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 8:1-10, 2013.
Hanson KL, Olson CM. School meals participation and weekday dietary quality were associated after controlling for weekend eating among U.S. school children aged 6 to 17 years. Journal of Nutrition 143(5):714-21, 2013. PMID: 23486981.
Gantner LA, Olson CM, Frongillo EA. Relationship of food availability and accessibility to women’s body weights in rural Upstate New York. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 8:490-505, 2013.
Hanson KL, Olson CM. Low energy intake and low diet quality on the weekend among US school children. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 8:413-428, 2013.
Paul KH, Graham ML, Olson CM. The web of risk factors for excessive gestational weight gain in low income women. Maternal and Child Health Journal 17(2):344-51, 2013.
Hanson KL, Olson CM. Chronic health conditions and depressive symptoms strongly predict persistent food insecurity among rural low-income families. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 23:1174-1188, 2012.
Lipsky LM, Strawderman MS, Olson CM. Maternal weight change between 1 and 2 years postpartum: The importance of 1 year weight retention. Obesity 20(7):1496-1502, 2012.
Gantner LA, Olson CM. Evaluation of public health professionals' capacity to implement environmental changes supportive of healthy weight. Evaluation and Program Planning 35:407-416, 2012.
Stark CM, Graham-Kiefer ML, Devine CM, Dollahite JS, Olson CM. Online course increases nutrition professionals’ knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy in using an ecological approach to prevent childhood obesity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 43:316-322, 2011.
Carroll JD, Demment MM, Stiles SB, Devine CM, Dollahite JS, Sobal J, Olson CM. Overcoming barriers to vegetable consumption by preschool children: A child care center buying club. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 6:153-165, 2011.
Gantner LA, Olson CM, Frongillo EA, Wells NW. Prevalence of nontraditional food stores and distance to healthy foods in a rural food environment. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 6:279-293, 2011.
Fernandez ID, Hoffmire CA, Olson CM. Gestational weight gain in adolescents: A comparison to the new Institute of Medicine recommendations. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 24:368-375, 2011.
Olson CM, Demment MM, Carling SJ, Strawderman MS. Associations between mothers’ and their children’s weights at 4 years of age. Childhood Obesity 6 (4):201-207, 2010.
Olson CM. Food insecurity and maternal health during pregnancy. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 110(5):690-1, 2010.
Davis EM, Zyzanski SJ, Olson CM, Stange KC, Horwitz RI. Racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences in the incidence of obesity related to childbirth. American Journal of Public Health 99:294-299, 2009.
Davis E, Olson C. Obesity in pregnancy. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice 36:341-356, 2009.
Lent MD, Petrovic LE, Swanson JA, Olson CM. Maternal mental health and the persistence of food insecurity in poor rural families. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 20:645-661, 2009.
Olson CM, Strawderman MS, Dennison BA. Maternal weight gain during pregnancy and child weight at age 3 years. Maternal and Child Health Journal 13:839-846, 2009.
Olson CM. Achieving a healthy weight gain during pregnancy. Annual Review of Nutrition 28:17.1-17.13, 2008.
Fernandez ID, Olson CM, Dye TD. Discordance in the assessment of prepregnancy weight status of adolescents: A comparison between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sex- and age-specific body mass index classification and the Institute of Medicine-based classification used for maternal weight gain guidelines. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108:998-1002, 2008.
Swanson JA, Olson CM, Miller EO, Lawrence FC. Rural mothers’ use of formal programs and informal social supports to meet family food needs: A mixed methods study. Journal of Family Economic Issues 29:674-690, 2008.
Olson C.M. The third decade of the Journal of Nutrition Education (1988-1997): vibrant expansion in research content, audiences, and topics for nutrition education. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 40(5):274-278, 2008.
Olson CM. A call for intervention in pregnancy to prevent maternal and child obesity. Letter to the editor. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 33(5):435-426, 2007.
Olson CM, Bove CF, Miller EO. Growing up poor: The long-term implications for eating patterns and body weight. Appetite 49:198-207, 2007.
Wells NM, Olson CM. The ecology of obesity: Perspectives from life course, design and economics. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 1(3):99-129, 2006.
Bove CF, Olson CM. Obesity in low-income rural women: Qualitative insights about physical activity and eating patterns. Women & Health 44(1):57-78, 2006.
Lee S-K, Sobal J, Frongillo EA, Olson CM, Wolfe WS. Parity and body weight in the United States: Differences by race and size of place of residence. Obesity Research 13 (7):1263-1269, 2005.
Olson CM. Food insecurity in women: A recipe for unhealthy trade-offs. Topics in Clinical Nutrition 20(4):321-328, 2005.
Lee JS, Frongillo EA, Olson CM. Meanings of targeting from program workers. Journal of Nutrition 135:882-885, 2005.
Olson CM. Tracking of food choices across the transition to motherhood. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 37:129-136, 2005.
Olson CM, Anderson K,Kiss E, Lawrence F, Seiling S. Factors protecting against and contributing to food insecurity among rural families. Family Economics and Nutrition Review 16:12-20, 2004
Olson CM, Strawderman MS, Reed RG. Efficacy of an intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 191(2):530-6, 2004.