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Armin Mostafavi is a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University’s Design and Augmented Intelligence Lab (DAIL) in the Department of Human-Centered Design. His interdisciplinary research merges architecture, environmental psychology, and neuroscience, focusing on how built environments influence human behavior and cognition. Through innovative biofeedback and behavioral frameworks, Dr. Mostafavi aims to enhance architectural design by understanding and leveraging human responses.
Mostafavi, A., Xu, T., Kalantari, S. (2024). Effects of illuminance and correlated color temperature on emotional responses and lighting adjustment behaviors, Journal of Building Engineering.
Mostafavi, A., Cruz-Garza, J.,& Kalantari, S. (2023). Enhancing lighting design through the investigation of illuminance and correlated color Temperature's effects on brain activity: An EEG-VR approach, Journal of Building Engineering.
Xu, T., Mostafavi A., Lee A., Kim B., Boot W., Czaja S., Kalantari S. (2023). Designing Virtual Environments for Social Engagement in Older Adults: A Qualitative Multi-Site Study, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Kalantari, S., Mostafavi, A., Xu, T., Lee, A., Yang, Q. (2024). Comparing spatial navigation in a virtual environment vs. an identical real environment across the adult lifespan, Computers in Human Behavior.
Kalantari, S., Cruz-Garza, J., Gao, E., Xu, T., Mostafavi, A. (2023). Store Layout Design and Consumer Response: A Behavioral and EEG Study, Building Research & Information.
Kalantari S., Xu T., Mostafavi A., Lee A., Kim B., Dilanchian A., Boot W., Czaja S. (2023). Using Immersive Virtual Reality for Social Interaction among Older Adults: A Multi-site Study, Innovation in Aging.
Kalantari, S., Tripathi, V., Rounds, J. D., Mostafavi, A., Snell, R., & CruzGarza, J. (2022). Evaluating the impacts of color, graphics, and architectural features on wayfinding in healthcare settings using EEG data and virtual response testing, Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Kalantari, S., Xu, B., Govani, V., Mostafavi, A. (2022). Analyzing the effects of storefront window display transparency on perceived store Attractiveness and Approach behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
Kalantari S., Xu T., Barankevich R. A., Mostafavi A., Boot W., Czaja S. (2022). Using a Nature-based Virtual Reality Cognitive Engagement Environment for Improving Mood State and Engagement in Older Adults: A Mixed-method Feasibility Study, Journal of Innovation in Aging.
Mostafavi, A. (2021) Architecture, biometrics, and virtual environments triangulation: a research review, Journal of Architectural Science Review.
2012, B.Sc., Architectural Engineering, University of Tehran
2015, M.Sc. , Architectural Engineering for Construction, Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano)
2024, Ph.D. (Dr. Techn.) , Engineering Sciences, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)