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A welcome for our Fall 2024 new students
A welcome and thoughts to share with our Fall 2024 new students
On behalf of the Office of Admissions, Student and Career Development, we welcome you to the Cornell University College of Human Ecology community.
In this class are good friends you have yet to meet, colleagues who will challenge and affirm your values, and others you will influence in ways you cannot know. Our faculty, staff, and current students are waiting to forge scholarly, collegial, and supportive relationships that will change your life and impact their own.
You will soon receive information to guide you through our major verification process and fall course enrollment. So, take a breath, review everything you receive carefully, plan accordingly, and proceed with calm, confidence, maturity, and independence.
Not all our life packages and opportunities are equal, but at this moment, you share the promise and privilege of a transforming education—it is not yours alone. Express your genuine gratitude to the family, friends, teachers, and loved ones who support you and believe in your ability to soar.
We expect you to finish your academic year strong by sustaining momentum that reflects your best effort. We will critically review and react to your final transcript to be sure you remain disciplined and ready for the rigors of Cornell. We expect you to honor Cornell's trust in your scholarship and character.
Finally, honor yourself in effort and intent. You are now Cornell University and the College of Human Ecology. Others will equate your behavior and character with our invitation and your decision to attend. Continue to serve and participate in your school, communities, and institutions with vigor, enthusiasm, and integrity.
In an address to Cornell faculty and staff, as we prepared to return to campus some time ago, President Martha Pollack encouraged us to embrace the lessons learned to create an optimal normal rather than looking back to our pre-pandemic normal. Like you, we continue on that journey. As you approach Cornell this fall, consider your preparation, lessons learned, and optimal qualities. Embrace the challenges of growth and the opportunities of transformation. Be patient in and with the transition – systems respond, they don't react.
Again, please accept our sincere congratulations and best wishes. We cannot wait to begin working with you. We anticipate your intellect and talent continuing to make great the University and the College you can now call your own.
With warmest regard,
Darryl Scott
College of Human Ecology Office of Admissions, Student, and Career Development