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Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the HMRU

Food Labs Manager
Mandy Bates
HMRU Operations Manager
Jennifer Thompson
Standard Operating Procedures of the HMRU
Standard Operating Procedures of the HMRU
Research conducted by students is accommodated in the HMRU whenever possible. This policy is intended to ensure that students have the appropriate resources, training and oversight for their research and that the HMRU recovers all associated expenses.
Intent of Policy
To ensure that students, who are the investigators on research projects using HMRU facilities, have appropriate resources, training and oversight and that the HMRU recovers all costs associated with this research. This policy is also intended to ensure the safety of all individuals visiting the HMRU and to protect the University from any potential liability from use of the HMRU.
Research conducted by Cornell University undergraduate or graduate students is accommodated in the HMRU whenever possible. It’s important that any potential research projects be discussed with the HMRU Operations Manager well in advance of the planned use. Failure to properly plan for use of HMRU facilities could result in delays.
All use of HMRU facilities must be scheduled through the Operations Manager (OM). When multiple individuals request use of the facility at the same time the OM will prioritize the requests on a first-come first-served basis as follows:
First priority will be sponsored research being conducted by DNS faculty;
Second priority shall be sponsored research by CHE or CALS faculty and DNS graduate student research; and
Third priority will be non-DNS graduate student, sponsored research conducted by non CHE or CALS faculty and undergraduate student research.
- Any student interested in using HMRU facilities for their research project must meet with the HMRU OM to discuss the proposed research. If Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is required the student must meet with the OM before they submit any application to the IRB. Facilities availability, scheduling, required training, applicable HMRU Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), access to facilities and the cost of using HMRU facilities will be covered in this meeting. Students proposing research that involves procedures that are not standard practice in the HMRU should be aware that the OM may need to review these procedures with other University offices (Risk Management and Insurance, Environmental Health & Safety, etc.).
- After meeting with the OM and resolving any issues with concerned University offices the request for use of HMRU facilities is approved by the OM pending IRB approval. All students to be involved in the research proposed must be listed on the IRB proposal. A copy of the IRB proposal must be provided to the OM.
The OM must receive a copy of all revised proposals or amendments that are submitted to the IRB. If the revision or amendment requires a change in use of HMRU facilities the student should discuss these changes with the OM before submitting the revised proposal or amendment.
Once the student has IRB approval he or she should meet with the OM to finalize arrangements and schedule use of HMRU facilities.
Use Rules
Students not listed on an approved IRB proposal will not be permitted to participate in research conducted in the HMRU.
Faculty advisees or those listed as the “faculty member supervising project” on IRB applications are ultimately responsible for student research conducted by their advisees. This includes supervision of students.
All proposals must be discussed with the OM in advance of any IRB proposal submission. Approval by the IRB does not guarantee use of HMRU facilities.
Students involved in preparing or serving food in the HMRU must receive food safety training, pass a food safety quiz, and have a hands-on orientation session before they can begin to work in the HMRU. Students preparing and serving food must be supervised by staff with ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification at all times. There is an hourly charge for time associated with this training, orientation and supervision.
Students are responsible for providing all disposables associated with their research or for reimbursing the HMRU for any materials provided.
Students must pay for all services provided by the HMRU (BodPod, kitchen assistance, blood draws, etc.)
A Cornell University account number must be provided at the beginning of any study. This account guarantees expenses associated with the research being conducted.
Students are expected to leave HMRU facilities and equipment in the same condition that they were found. If HMRU facilities or equipment are not left in the condition in which they were found the cost of cleaning the HMRU and/or replacing or repairing the equipment damaged will be assessed to the guaranteeing account number.
Students must follow all HMRU policies and procedures related to their use of the HMRU. Failure to follow these policies and procedures will result in expulsion from the HMRU.
The HMRU Kitchen is not easily accessible for food delivery. An account with Tops and with Red Runner exists to facilitate bringing needed grocery items for research studies to the HMRU Kitchen - thus eliminating the use of personal vehicles, parking on campus, and minimizing the amount of time required to procure these goods.
To ensure that food is ordered and delivered in a timely and cost-effective way to the DNS Food Lab and the HMRU Kitchen.
Neither the DNS Food Lab nor the HMRU Kitchen is easily accessible for food delivery. An account with Top’s food market on Meadow Street in Ithaca and an account with Red Runner delivery service have been established to facilitate bringing needed groceries to the Food Lab and the HMRU Kitchen thus eliminating the use of personal vehicles, parking on campus and minimizing the amount of staff time required.
Anyone requiring delivery of groceries from Top’s must provide their order to the Food Lab Manager. The Manager will need to be provided with the date and time the food is needed and also the account to be charged for the groceries and delivery fee. NOTE: It’s important to provide this list as soon as possible, but no later than 3 full days before, the groceries are needed. This ensures adequate time for steps 2-4 (below) to happen.
The Food Labs Manager will contact Top’s providing the list of groceries needed and agreeing on a date and time for Red Runner to collect the groceries from Top’s and deliver them to the MVR Loading Dock.
The Food Labs Manager will then contact Red Runner by e-mail to arrange for pick-up. She will estimate the size of the order to be collected from Top’s so Red Runner can determine what vehicle is needed for this pick-up and delivery.
The Food Labs Manager will then send an e-mail to the person who requested groceries with information on when the delivery will be made. Please NOTE:
It is the responsibility of the individual requiring delivery to meet Red Runner on the Loading Dock of MVR Hall to collect the delivery, check the delivery against the original order, and take care of the items delivered.
If items are missing for the order then the Food Labs Manager should be notified immediately so she can address this with Top’s.
The person who checks-in the groceries must provide the HMRU Manager with the original Charge Sales Invoice and Top’s register tape. These documents can be deposited in the holder affixed to the Manager’s office door (271-W MVR).
The HMRU Manager receives a monthly statement from Top’s and from Red Runner and then invoices the appropriate accounts, using the documentation described in step 5 as back-up.