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The Joyce Lindower Wolitzer '76 & Steven Wolitzer Nutrition Seminar

The Joyce Lindower Wolitzer ’76 & Steven Wolitzer Nutrition Seminar is dedicated to bringing to campus a nationally renowned speaker, innovator, or leader in nutrition for the benefit of our undergraduate students.
Previous speakers have been:

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, associate Dean for Public Health and C. S. Mott Endowed Professor of Public Health at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. “Conversation, highlighting the critical intersections between environmental justice, public health, clinical medicine, and social activism”, April 26, 2022.

Lawrence Haddad, PhD, Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN).” "Engaging the private sector for maximizing impact in the nutrition space in these pandemic times", December 3, 2021.

Juan Angel Rivera Dommarco, PhD; National Institute of Public Health (INSP) in Mexico. “Use of Research for Designing and Modifying health and Nutrition Policy”, May 1, 2019.

Catherine Bertini, PhD; Rockefeller Foundation Fellow. “Maximizing Research Findings by Connecting Research to Policy Change”, February 15, 2018.