
Human Flourishing in Diverse Developmental Contexts
Virtual Event:
April 21-22, 2022, 1pm – 4:30 pm ET
This interdisciplinary symposium—co-hosted by the Cornell Center for Integrative Developmental Science and Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research highlights advances in the fields of developmental science and well-being and their applications to illuminating new research initiatives that promote positive health and flourishing with a particular focus on underrepresented populations, including ethnic racial minority youth, LGBTQ communities, caregivers, and older adults.
Speakers present on our current understanding of human flourishing and the methods used in its investigation; address salient promotive and protective mechanisms; and consider promising scientific agendas at the intersection of race, ethnicity, culture, sexual minority status, well-being, and lifespan development that are currently creating significant interdisciplinary breakthroughs and which over the next several years is likely to yield major advances.
Wednesday April 20, 2022
Flourishing in Context: Sociocultural Considerations
Welcoming — Anthony Ong (Center for Integrative Developmental Science) and Anthony Burrow (Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research)
Opening remarks — Dean Rachel Dunifon (College of Human Ecology)

Robert Sellers (University Michigan)
The Role of Race in the Psychological Lives of African American Adolescents

Deborah Rivas-Drake (University of Michigan)
Building Them Up: Racial and Ethnic Socialization and Flourishing among Racially
Minorized Youth

Carol Ryff (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Realization of Personal Potential in Diverse Contexts:
Contributions from MIDUS and Future Directions

Jeanne Tsai (Stanford University)
Cultural Variation in Ideal Affect: Implications for Well-Being and Flourishing in
Across the Life Span
Panel Discussion
Co-Moderators: Anthony Burrow and Anthony Ong
Thursday April 21, 2022
Resilience and Flourishing Amid Adversity

Suniya Luthar (Columbia University)
Human Flourishing Across Diverse Contexts:
Promoting Resilience Among Caregiving Adults

Kate McLean (Western Washington University)
Why we Need a Structural Approach to Understanding Identity Development

Daniel Solórzano (University of California, Los Angeles)
Racial Microaffirmations as a Response to Everyday Racism in Academic and
Social Spaces