[soft music] 0:00:01.760,0:00:04.410 hey I'm Sam Stern. I'm a sophomore 0:00:04.410,0:00:06.120 studying fiber science and apparel design. 0:00:06.120,0:00:08.130 I'm involved in the Cornell costume and 0:00:08.130,0:00:10.260 textile collection which is a museum of 0:00:10.260,0:00:11.790 eight to ten thousand different garments 0:00:11.790,0:00:14.549 that we have ranging from like 1500s to 0:00:14.549,0:00:16.740 modern times and I'm a collections 0:00:16.740,0:00:18.539 assistant, if students email me and want 0:00:18.539,0:00:19.890 to come in and like research different 0:00:19.890,0:00:21.449 items I help them pull garments and 0:00:21.449,0:00:24.029 research different types of techniques 0:00:24.029,0:00:26.849 that apply to antique clothing and 0:00:26.849,0:00:29.570 I am human ecology!